When most people think of Peru, they think of alpacas and ceviche, but a true cigar aficionado
knows that Peru also produces premium cigar tobacco. With its rich fertile soil, Peru’s ecosystem is ideal for growing tobacco. Used
primarily as a filler in premium cigars, Peruvian tobacco is known for being bold, full-bodied, and
having a satisfying finish. Peruvian Tobacco captures the exotic allure of Peru’s tobacco fields. With its intoxicating blend of Peruvian tobacco, rich vanilla, and warm spices, this perfume transports wearers to the heart of the Andes
Mountains. It embodies the essence of Peru’s natural beauty and cultural richness. Each spritz evokes the sun-drenched fields, the sweet scent of tobacco leaves, and the spirit of adventure that defines this captivating South Americandestination.
size | 2ml, 50ml |
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